ASF2VC1 v1.2

Excerpts from the "short-form" ("-v2") frame layout text output which can be as seen when performing a conversion (click on any image for a larger context screenshot excerpt). These were the nine Microsoft test files mentioned in the documentation, and I've collected these screenshot excerpts together as a matter of general interest.

If desired there is also a maximum verbosity ("-v3") setting replaces these tables with an actual frame by frame listing , each line containing the full details of the frame.

Verbosity levels "-v0" and "-v1" don't display any of this stuff and just get on with the actual job of performing the requested conversion ;)

Progressive Examples
480p24_IP_GOP15 480p24_IBP_GOP24
480p24_IP_GOP15 480p24_IBP_GOP24
(No B-Frames)  (1 consecutive B-Frame max)
480p24_IBBP_LongGOP_dquant_loop_overlap_rangeredux4444 480p24_IBP_GOP24_coded360x240
480p24_IBBP_LongGOP_dquant_loop_overlap_rangeredux4444 480p24_IBP_GOP24_coded360x240
 (2 consecutive B-Frames max) (Special "coding size" example w/ same frame layout as above)

Interlaced Examples
480i30BFF_IBP_GOP15_IntField 480i30BFF_IBP_GOP15_IntFrameField
480i30BFF_IBP_GOP15_IntField 480i30BFF_IBP_GOP15_IntFrameField
(Field coded: the two fields in each frame are coded individually) (Interlaced, but with a mix of field-encoding and frame encoding)
480i30TFF_IBP_GOP15_IntField 480i30BFF_IBP_GOP15_IntFrameFieldProg
480i30TFF_IBP_GOP15_IntField 480i30BFF_IBP_GOP15_IntFrameFieldProg
(Same as above, but coded "top field first") (Subtly different from above - unsure of details)
480i30BFF_IBP_GOP15_IntFrame Short-Form Key Excerpt
480i30BFF_IBP_GOP15_IntFrame Typical key for these "short-form: frame displays
(Interlaced, but each field is pair coded as a single frame) (The excerpt above is from "480p24_IP_GOP15")
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